Cianjur Regency Government Ready To Hold Child Vaccination Starting January 10, Priority For Class IV-VI Elementary School Students

CIANJUR - The Cianjur Regency Government, West Java, stated its readiness to hold vaccinations for early childhood as of January 10, with a target of one month of implementation, while for general vaccinations, the achievement will continue to be increased to 100 percent or 1.9 million recipients.

"We will prioritize students in grades IV to VI of elementary school, the implementation is on January 10, we will re-launch vaccination for early childhood," said Cianjur Regent, Herman Suherman, as quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 2, 2022.

Vaccinations for children, especially elementary schools, will be held every day, so that his party will ensure the readiness of the vaccine stock from the central government is adequate as well as health workers who will be involved in the vaccination celebration.

"We hope that vaccinations will be supported by the central government, so that the implementation can be achieved according to the specified schedule. Of course, the readiness is very ready because the achievement of general vaccination has reached more than 70 percent," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Cianjur Health Service, Dr. Irvan Nur Fauzy, said that in order to hold early childhood vaccinations, his party had held a coordination meeting, including with the relevant agencies, so that when the vaccination celebration was carried out, all people could help.

"We have also asked the relevant agencies to coordinate with schools, so that when the celebration is carried out, everything is ready, including coordinating with the center regarding vaccine stocks which we ensure are adequate according to the target," he said.

According to Irvan, to complete the general vaccination target of 100 percent, his party continues to make various efforts including door-to-door vaccination, so that in the next few months the remaining 30 percent of the target can be achieved.