Refusing To Be Vaccinated, 5 ASN In The Office Of The Regent Of Nagan Raya Aceh Subjected To Sanctions

NAGAN RAYA - As many as five state civil servants (ASN) who served in the Nagan Raya Aceh Regent's Office, received sanctions in the form of delaying the payment of performance allowances or welfare funds from the local government for refusing to inject the COVID-19 vaccine.

Regional Secretary for Nagan Raya Aceh, Ardimartha, said that the imposition of strict sanctions was carried out as an effort to ensure the success of the government's vaccination program.

"We provide the sanction for delaying the payment of welfare funds for ASN as a form of the regional government's seriousness in making the government program a success," he said, quoted by Antara, Sunday, January 2, 2022.

According to him, the sanctions were imposed on the ASN who served in the Nagan Raya Regent's Office, after his party checked the reports of a number of ASN who did not want to be vaccinated.

Ardimartha explained, after being sanctioned, the four ASNs whose identities were not identified were then willing to be injected with the COVID-19 vaccine by a vaccine interpreter from the Nagan Raya District Health Office.

Regional Secretary Ardimartha explained that as of Sunday evening, there was only one ASN on duty at the Nagan Raya Regent's Office who was still subject to sanctions for delaying the provision of welfare funds, because they were still not ready to be vaccinated.

Ardimartha also emphasized that the Nagan Raya Aceh Regency Government stated that it would still impose strict sanctions on all ASN in the area who were not willing to succeed in the government's vaccination program.

He said the vaccination was an effort by the government to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to increase immunity for all public servants to avoid the deadly virus.