Settlements In Batam Are Submerged By Flood

BATAM - Several settlements in Batam City, Riau Islands, were flooded after heavy rains.

Several settlements were hit by floods on Sunday, January 2, 2022, including those located in Sei Beduk, Sagulung, and Batuaji Districts.

Batam Mayor Muhammad Rudi said his party immediately made tactical steps to deal with flooding.

"We will solve the initial problem first", said Muhammad Rudi when inspecting the flood location at the Cipta Asri 3 Sagulung Housing, quoted by Antara.

The mayor toured several locations where floods and landslides occurred since Saturday, January 1 night. He immediately went to the field to find out the problem to find the best solution in each location.

In Sagulung, the mayor ordered to clean the culverts and widen the drainage of water in the estuary.

"Work will start immediately today and must be completed as soon as possible", he said.

The mayor admitted that the settlement was only temporary so that the flood would not spread.

In the future, the government will build wider drainage. However, because the costs required are large and the APBD (Regional Budget) has been determined, he stated that the plan can only be implemented in a few years.

"So in the initial stage, we will open the culverts, clean them, widen them to the sea", he said.

On that occasion, the head of the local RT (Neighborhood Association), Hendri, expressed his gratitude to the mayor who paid attention to the disaster that occurred.

Meanwhile, at the Marina District of Sekupang, the flooding began to subside.

Marina resident Zelly stated that on Friday the water had entered the house, and Saturday, January 1, it had started to recede.

"Now it's not flooded, just anxious", he said.