Bali Provincial Government To Build Turyapada Tower Technology Park Soon

DENPASAR - The Bali Provincial Government will build the telecommunications infrastructure of the Turyapada Technology Park Tower KBS 6.0 Kerthi Bali in 2022 in Pegayaman Village, Buleleng Regency.

"Turyapada Tower has the main function of optimizing digital television broadcasts", said Bali Governor Wayan Koster in a written statement in Denpasar quoted by Antara on Sunday, January 2, 2022.

The Turyapada Tower with a height of 115 meters was built in Pegayaman Village, Sukasada District, Buleleng Regency at an altitude of 1,521 meters above sea level. Thus, the total height of Turyapada Tower becomes 1,636 meters.

Previously, the Governor of Bali when delivering his Year-End Speech and Welcoming the 2022 New Year also said that with the Turyapada Tower, the coverage reached 80 percent in the Buleleng Regency, Jembrana Regency, and Karangasem Regency.

The tower, he continued, also has multifunctional and integrated facilities in the tourism area which will become the center of new economic growth in the northern Bali area.

"This is to balance the centers of economic growth in the north, south, east and west areas of Bali", said Koster.

On the other hand, to accelerate the implementation of Bali Province priority programs in traditional villages and villages, the Bali Provincial Government has launched the Kerthi Bali Prosperous Village Team program.

"The success of this program is largely determined by the active support of the village headman and the traditional village council (traditional village leaders) and their staff", he said.

Therefore, the Provincial Government of Bali has imposed a new policy in the form of providing incentives to Perbekel amounting to IDR 1.5 million per month and traditional village villages an additional incentive of IDR 1 million per month, bringing it to IDR 2.5 million per month.

As a form of appreciation and appreciation for the achievements of the Bali contingent in the 2021 PON in Papua, the Bali Provincial Government also provides bonuses for outstanding athletes and coaches with a total budget of IDR 30.5 billion which will be given in early 2022.

"With this award, we hope that athletes and coaches of various sports in Bali will be more motivated to improve their performance", said the former Member of Parliament for three terms.

Koster added, in 2022, big work full of challenges also awaits us together as a continuation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially those related to the tourism and economic sectors.

"This condition certainly requires mental readiness and a strong commitment based on a sincere, upright, and noble attitude from all Balinese people", he said.