Preman Who Palak Onlinee Taxi Driver Claims Relatives Of Kodim Arrested By TNI Soldiers, Apparently Angkot Driver

MEDAN - Medan Kodim 0201 Intel personnel arrested thugs who blackmailed an online taxi driver (taxol) on Jalan MT Haryono, Medan, in front of Medan Mall. In the action, the perpetrator claimed to have relatives of TNI personnel. The perpetrator is known as SW (32) a resident of Bromo, Medan Area Village. He turned out to be a city transportation (angkot) driver. The commander of the Medan Kodim 0201, Colonel Inf Hindratno Devidanto confirmed that his party had arrested the man who blackmailed an online taxi driver while carrying passengers in front of the Medan Mall.

"It's true that there are people who make illegal levies, these illegal levies are in the name of the Kodim. After coordinating with the Medan Polrestabes, our members finally secured the person concerned," said Colonel Inf Hindratno at Mako Kodim 0201 Medan, reported by, Friday, December 31.

According to Colonel Hindratno, the result of the examination of the person concerned, the perpetrator claiming to have relatives at the Kodim is not true. The confession was only to launch his action of asking the taxi driver for money.

"From his confession, he took his own initiative on behalf of the Kodim. He was on behalf of a military institution to get money," he said.

After being arrested, the perpetrator admitted his actions and apologized for using the name of the Kodim. He is currently being handed over to the police.

"He admitted his actions because he made a mistake by bringing up the name of the Kodim. We have handed him over to the police for legal proceedings," he explained.

Previously reported, a man in Medan City, North Sumatra blackmailed an online taxi driver who was boarding a passenger. The perpetrator was angry because he was not given money by claiming to have relatives in the Kodim.

The burglary against an online taxi driver took place in front of the Medan Mall, Jalan MT Haryono Medan.

The perpetrator was angry and cursed the driver for not giving him the money he asked for.

"Just run, sir," said the passenger who recorded the incident.

"It can't be dangerous later if the car is not given (money)," replied the taxi driver.

Not long after, the thug wearing a white singlet approached the driver and threatened him again if he didn't give him the money he asked for.

"Boss, this is the original boss, yes, this belongs to my uncle Kon*** who is in the Kodim," he rebuked.

"If you want respect, respect people too," he continued.

The driver immediately took the money from the dashboard of the car and gave it to the thug. Before the car left, the thugs also had time to rebuke the passenger who was recording the video.

"Kelen (you guys) don't know that I was tagged (asked for) by the police and the Transportation Agency, right? I'll solve it later.. Brother, don't use your cellphone (record) sis," he threatened.

Later, the man who claimed to be a thug and had relatives at the Kodim was arrested by the Medan Kodim 0201 Intel.