Dose 1 Vaccination In Pekanbaru Reaches 96.96 Percent

PEKANBARU - The achievement of COVID-19 vaccination in Pekanbaru City was recorded at 96.96 percent or ranked first in the highest vaccine injection achievement in Riau Province in 2021.

Deputy Mayor of Pekanbaru, Ayat Cahyadi, said that efforts to accelerate vaccination for the city's residents continue to be carried out, especially for the elderly so that communal immunity can be achieved in stopping the transmission of the deadly virus.

"Vaccination for the elderly is still an indicator to be able to reduce to PPKM level 1. Hopefully we can rush the vaccine for the elderly so that we can achieve the target," he said as quoted by Antara, Friday, December 31.

He said yesterday that 30,532 elderly people had received the first dose of vaccine. The number of targets for Pemko Pekanbaru is 52,759 elderly. Of that amount, the Pemko must complete 60 percent. As of December 29, 2021, 30,532 elderly people have received the first dose of vaccine or 57.9 percent of the target number.

This means that there are only 22,227 elderly who have not received the vaccine at all. While those who had received the second dose of injection were 24,990 elderly or 47.4 percent.

"Before being vaccinated, there is screening first and when tested their blood pressure (the elderly) is high. So it cannot be vaccinated," said Ayat Cahyadi. Meanwhile, based on data released by the Committee for Handling Corona Virus Disease 2019 and National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN), vaccination achievements COVID-19 in Riau, for Dumai City 81.99 percent, Kuantan Singingi Regency 73.68 percent, Pelalawan 74.01 percent, Bengkalis 73.86 percent, Indragiri Hulu 73.70 percent, Rokan Hilir 71.79 percent, and Siak 70.83 percent.

Meanwhile, in the other 4 districts, the progress of vaccination achievement is still below 70 percent. The four regencies are Indragiri Hilir with 69.46 percent of dose 1 vaccination, Rokan Hulu 69.06 percent, Meranti Islands 68.96 percent, and Kampar Regency 67.89 percent.

From the vaccination achievements of the 12 districts/cities, the progress of dose 1 vaccination in Riau Province has reached 75.56 percent. As for the second stage, 41.55 percent, and 53.39 percent of the vaccine injection for the elderly.