PAN Challenges Government To Detect Omicron With PeduliProtect Application

JAKARTA - The number of cases of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in Indonesia is increasing. In fact, the National Mandate Party (PAN) highlighted the function of the PeduliLindung application to detect the mobility and spread of the virus, especially the presence of local transmission.

A member of Commission IX from the PAN faction of the DPR, Saleh Partaonan Daulay, assessed that local transmission of the Omicron variant could be detected early if the PeduliLindung application was functioning properly.

"We have PeduliLindung, the question is whether PeduliLindung can be used as an effective means for tracing or testing? That should be right," said Saleh in Jakarta, Thursday, December 30.

Moreover, he continued, the findings of the local transmission Omicron case were discovered after the exposed person had visited and ate at a restaurant in Jakarta.

According to Saleh, if PeduliLindung can be used properly and accurately, people exposed in public places should be quickly tracked down.

"So, can all of those who eat at the time or time of the day eat there be traced? If PeduliLindungi is really accurate, doing data collection is actually easy to check. the connected PeduliLindung application," Saleh explained.

The chairman of the DPR's PAN faction then challenged the government to reveal the spread of Omicron using PeduliLindungi.

Saleh also asked the government to improve the system to be able to carry out early detection of the spread of COVID-19, especially the variant that had just spread.

"Now we challenge, we challenge the government to try to uncover this. Or use PeduliLindungi facilities to protect really protect our citizens," he said.