There Are 2 Police Reports Regarding Bahar Bin Smith, One Of Them Is Being Investigated

JAKARTA - The National Police said there were two reports received regarding the alleged hate speech case involving Bahar bin Smith. The two reports against Bahar Smith are in different areas.

"So there are 2 LPs (Police Reports) the first at the Polda Metro Jaya and the second at the Polda West Java," said the Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Public Relations Division, Brigadier General Ahmad Ramadhan, to reporters, Thursday, December 30.

Of the two reports, said Ramadhan, one of them has advanced to the investigation stage. This case is handled by the West Java Regional Police.

In addition, by being upgraded to an investigation, investigators believe that there has been a criminal violation. In the near future, investigators will summon Bahar bin Smith for questioning.

"What is clear, yesterday the case (at the West Java Regional Police) has been upgraded from investigation to investigation," said Ramadhan.

Previously, the West Java Police Chief, Inspector General Suntana, stated that the hate speech case involving Bahar Smith (BS) had gone to the investigation stage.

"West Java Police investigators have stepped up the legal process that ensnared BS into an investigation," said Suntana in a written statement, Wednesday, December 29.

The case that ensnared Bahar Smith, according to him, was related to allegations of hate speech containing elements of ethnicity, religion, race, and intergroup (SARA).