Metro Police Chief Will Create A Democracy Park, A Space For Protesters To Channel Aspirations
JAKARTA - Metro Jaya Police Chief, Inspector General Fadil Imran, plans to build a Democracy Park. This park is a space for protesters to express their aspirations.
"In 2022 the Metro Jaya Police will present a Democracy Park to increase the democracy index in the capital. So those who demonstrate need to get space and we will prepare a place for FGDs", said Fadil at the Metro Jaya Police, Thursday, December 30.
In his plan, Fadil admitted that he had chosen several locations. But Fadil has not specified the location in question.
With the Democracy Park, it is hoped that demonstrations or demonstrations on the highway will be reduced so as not to interfere with the activities of the people of the capital city.
"There are several points that have been agreed, so for those who want to demonstrate please go there. Moreover, the pandemic is still happening so that Jakarta is peaceful and respectful of freedom of opinion can be realized", said Fadil.
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In his year-end presentation, Inspector General Fadil mentioned the number of demonstrations in 2021. There were 1,261 demonstrations in the jurisdiction of Metro Jaya Police.
"The lowest was in July with 13 actions because in July there was an increase in COVID-19. Then the highest was in March with 202 actions", said Inspector General Fadil.