Sulianti Suroso Infectious Disease Hospital Studying Hypercoagulopathy In Patients Infected With Omicron

JAKARTA - The medical team of the Sulianti Suroso Infectious Disease Hospital (RSPI) Jakarta is still studying cases of Hypercoagulopathy or a condition characterized by an increased tendency to form blood clots in blood vessels in patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection with the Omicron variant.

"We have standardized examinations and it is found that there is a Hypercoagulopathy condition. Whether this is due to comorbidities or something else, we are studying it", said Head of the Infectious Diseases, New Emerging, and Reemerging Working Group of Sulianti Suroso Infectious Disease Hospital (RSPI), Pompini Agustina Sitompul, in an event entitled "Preparedness to Face Omicron" quoted Antara on Thursday, December 30.

"This Hypercoagulopathy can have an impact on the kidneys, lungs, heart, and others. We are currently studying it. Several confirmed cases have comorbidities and signs of Hypercoagulopathy begin to appear", she continued.

Pompini said that currently there have been 68 cases of Omicron infection in Indonesia and the majority of infections occurred in travelers from abroad. Only one patient had localized Omicron transmission.

RSPI Sulianti Saroso is currently treating patients who are suspected or confirmed to be infected with Omicron, and among them are patients who have no symptoms and have mild symptoms. Among the patients infected with Omicron, some have received two injections of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Pompini explained that in general the symptoms experienced by patients infected with Omicron are not much different from those of COVID-19 patients who experience mild symptoms, including anosmia (impaired sense of smell), nasal congestion, and coughing.

"Until now what has not been found is a picture of pneumonia. Hopefully, it doesn't get there", she said.

According to him, the medical team pays special attention to patients infected with Omicron who have comorbidities even though they do not experience symptoms of illness.

Interventions carried out by the medical team on patients infected with Omicron include isolating patients in special rooms, providing multi-vitamins, providing psychological support, and conducting medical rehabilitation.

"What is unique at Sulianti Suroso Infectious Disease Hospital (RSPI) is that we evacuate patients with a fast flow, without contamination by many health workers, and go straight to the patient isolation room", said Pompini.