Fire In Meruya, Narrow Alley Access Becomes An Obstacle To Fire Extinguishing Process

JAKARTA - A fire occurred on Jalan Gang Swadaya RT 01/01, South Meruya Village, West Jakarta. As a result of the incident, at least four plots of houses were burned to the ground. The incident occurred on Thursday, December 30, in the early hours of the morning, at around 03.12 a.m. local time.

The West Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (Sudin Gulkarmat) was able to localize the fire at around 03.25 a.m. The fire began to be extinguished at 04.15 a.m. with water being poured from 10 fire engines that were sent to the location.

"The fire is thought to have originated from a short circuit in the electrical cable above the ceiling of an empty or uninhabited house," said Head of West Jakarta Fire Fighting and Rescue (Gulkarmat) Sub-dept. Suket to reporters, Thursday, December 30 morning.

The fire scorched 150 meters of the burning object. Four plots of houses that were burned down were inhabited by 5 heads of families (KK) with 14 people.

"The problem is that the access to the location of the alley is narrow. There were no casualties or injuries," he said.