Indonesian Cycling Trends, Bamsoet Requesting Expand Special Bicycle Paths

JAKARTA - Chairman of the Indonesian People's Consultative Assembly Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) said that the trend of increasing cycling in the country should prompt the government to consider the policy of expanding special cycling routes.

Bamsoet, Bambang Soesatyo's nickname, added that currently the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government has provided a temporary bicycle lane or pop up bike line on Jalan Sudirman-Thamrin.

"With the increasing number of bicycle users in the midst of a pandemic, the government must be responsive to making bicycles an alternative means of transportation for work or daily activities," said Bamsoet as quoted by Antara, Sunday, August 23.

The former chairman of the DPR RI said that there are many benefits that can be obtained by cycling, including increasing body strength and balance, controlling body weight, maintaining heart health and reducing stress.

He assessed that by cycling, the body can also increase the immunity needed during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, cycling is also considered to strengthen muscles and burn fat. The deputy chairman of the Indonesian Chamber of Commerce and Industry considered the new trend of cycling to be very good.

For this reason, Bamsoet together with the Justice Building Solidarity Movement (Gerak BS) Fun Bike Club and Moulton Bicycle Club Indonesia also conducted Healthy Cycling or Healthy Cycling. This activity took the initial route of Jalan Widya Chandra, South Jakarta to Gelora Bung Karno (GBK), and was held to commemorate the 75th Anniversary of Indonesian Independence.

"There are many ways to celebrate the Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. One of them is by cycling together to keep the body healthy. Moreover, currently cycling is a sport that is being loved by the wider community," said Bamsoet, after a Healthy Tour in Jakarta, Saturday, August 22.

He said that currently, bicycle users in the country experienced a rapid increase. Based on the Survey of The Institute for Transportation and Development Policy (ITDP), bicycle users until June 2020 continued to increase up to 10 times or an increase of 1,000 percent during the Jakarta PSBB, compared to October 2019.

Indeed, said Bamsoet, people have always gone to work on bicycles, which has led to the creation of the 'Bike to Work' community.

Therefore, to support this good trend, Bamsoet reminds bicycle users to always prioritize safety and obey the rules.

"For cyclists, they must also be careful and orderly when cycling on the road. Take care of safety and be careful when cycling. Use protective equipment, such as a helmet. Be vigilant and stay on the specified path. Be polite on the road, obey the rules. Zero accident, no complain, "said Bamsoet as well.