PDIP Squawks Hardly At Governor Edy For Jewering Billiards Coach For Not Applauding During Speech: We're Worried That The President Will Be Jewered

MEDAN - The action of the Governor of North Sumatra (Gubsu) Edy Rahmayadi, who twisted the ear of the billiards coach at the Papua PON just because he did not applaud when Edy gave a speech, was criticized by many parties.

The former Pangkostrad was judged not to have set an example, only to show the low level of etiquette. Moreover, inappropriate words came out of the mouth of Gubsu Edy, who was called the PDI-P to humiliate himself.

Deputy Chairperson of the North Sumatra PDIP DPD Aswan Jaya said Gubsu Edy Rahmayadi's action did not reflect his vision of bringing the North Sumatran people with dignity in the slightest.

"We are worried that the president will be teased when he just doesn't applaud during the governor's speech," said Aswan, Wednesday, December 29.

Aswan saw, currently North Sumatra was in a leadership emergency. He suggested that the Deputy Governor of North Sumatra, Musa Rajeckshah (Ijeck) to take over the leadership.

"It is better if Musa Rijekshah (as Deputy Governor) takes steps to carry out his exemplary function as a leader of the people in North Sumatra," he said.

Aswan believes that by taking on many roles, Deputy Governor Ijeck can save North Sumatra from the governor who often makes statements that make chaos.

"On the other hand, we know that the development in North Sumatra is not going well, but it has caused a lot of controversy. Therefore, in an emergency situation like this, the Deputy Governor takes more roles," he explained.

Meanwhile, the billiards coach hired by Governor Edy, Khoiruddin Aritonang alias Choki, admitted that he would report Gubsu Edy to the North Sumatra Police on Thursday, December 30.

"Tomorrow, make a report (to the North Sumatran Police)," said Choki to reporters, Wednesday, December 29.

Choki explained that the reason why he chose to report to the police was that Gubsu Edy's actions were categorized as unpleasant and humiliated when he handed the ropes to the coach and athlete who won the XX Papua PON at the Governor's official residence in Medan City, Monday, December 27.

Choki revealed the chronology of himself being called by Edy Rahmayadi up to the podium while giving a speech at the event.

"I, too, was confused about why he was called, until the question of why you didn't clap when I spoke. I was confused, what should I applaud," said Choki.

He considered the statement conveyed by Governor Edy at that time was quite ordinary. Choki vehemently denies the information that he was reprimanded for falling asleep.