Bantul Police Arrest Perpetrator Of False Report 'Klitih', Cut His Own Hand, Motive Wants To Go Viral On Social Media

BANTUL - Members of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Bantul Police, Yogyakarta Special Region, have arrested the perpetrators of making false reports related to street crimes or klitih in this area.

"Usually we apprehend the perpetrators of street crimes, but today we are releasing cases of revealing people who made false reports related to street crimes," said Bantul Police Chief AKBP Ihsan as quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 29.

The perpetrator has the initials HEH (23), from Gunung Kidul Regency, DIY. The perpetrator was arrested by the police after reporting a street crime act experienced by the complainant himself who was later found to be a false report on December 28, 2021.

According to the Police Chief, from the results of the investigation, the perpetrator made a false report as if he was a victim of a street crime because he took advantage of the situation in the Yogyakarta area, including Bantul, which recently went viral on social media that Yogyakarta was not safe from 'clitih'.

"So the relevant motive is because he wants to go viral on social media and in recent days the news regarding a street crime called klitih has indeed gone viral until there is a hashtag in Yogyakarta, this is used by the perpetrators for fake news and making false reports to the police," he said.

The Head of Police explained that the disclosure of the case began with the presence of a member of the police in the Kasihan Bantul Police area who received a public report that the complainant (who was later arrested) was a victim of a street crime or klitih in the Bibis area, Kasihan.

From the report, the crime scene was processed by looking for statements from witnesses at the location, but the results of CCTV examinations and witnesses found that the incident that was reported to be a victim of a street crime in Bibis never happened.

"It turns out that this report is false, a lie and after we conveyed the facts of the investigation, we showed the results of the CCTV inspection that the person concerned admitted that the report was false, so there was never a street crime at the crime scene," he said.

Thus, he said, the wound on the arm experienced by the complainant was his own cut from the result of scratching his own hand using a "cutter" knife purchased at a convenience store. The complainant admitted that the information in the report was false.

"We are firm, because this can disrupt the security and public order situation (kamtibmas), especially if the person concerned intends to make this incident viral, so that it will further add to the impression that Yogyakarta is not safe, so this is a hoax," he said.

The perpetrator will be subject to Article 220 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of one year and four months and he has been named a suspect, with the crime scene in the Bibis area, Poor, he said.