Assistance For Salary Workers Under IDR 5 Million: BP Jamsostek Validates 13.6 Million Accounts

JAKARTA - BPJS Ketenagakerjaan or currently known as BP Jamsostek is a data contributor for wage subsidy assistance for private employees with wages below IDR 5 million. Of the 15.7 million verified prospective recipients of subsidies, BP Jamsostek has collected 13,600,840 prospective recipient account numbers.

BP Jamsostek President Director Agus Susanto said, of this number, only about 9.3 million prospective recipients whose account numbers have been validated. This is the last data obtained on Friday, August 21 2020 at 12.00 WIB.

"We carry out the validation process through banks. The valid ones are 9,322,386. The ones that are invalid are those that do not match bank records, wrong names, 51,859. We send this back to the company to be corrected," he said, in a video conference with journalists, Friday, August 21. .

Currently, said Agus, BP Jamsostek is still conducting the validation process for the 4,216,595 prospective recipient account data that has been obtained. According to him, this validation uses the API Gateway by the system.

"Of course, this number will change every second because there is a process," he said.

Agus said, after going through the bank validation process, the next stage for BP Jamsostek to filter data according to the criteria set by the Minister of Manpower Regulation (Permenaker) Number 14 of 2020.

"From that stage, there were 8,177,261 valid account numbers and 1,155,125 invalid accounts," he explained.

BP Jamsostek, said Agus, also carried out an internal process in the form of validating account numbers and singles. From this stage, only 7,509,549 account numbers were recorded as valid for transferring a salary subsidy of IDR 2.4 million.

"There are 667,712 invalid account numbers. Of the invalid ones, we dropped them and handed them back to the employing company for repair," he said.

Agus said, the factors that had to be re-validated were a valid population identification number (NIK) and the same account / account different from the participant's name.

"Drop it if the data is outside the Permenaker criteria, namely double Social Security Participant Cards (KPJ), work in more than one company," he said.