Will Jokowi Be The First President Of The Republic Of Indonesia To Abolish Premium BBM? The Answer In 2022

JAKARTA – The puzzle of the existence of premium fuel oil (BBM) and pertalite seems to be waiting for a day. The reason is that the government is reportedly going to immediately remove the two subsidized fuels from Pertamina's gas station service list. This means that there will be no more cheap fuel with the contribution of state money.

Citing the roadmap for energy development prepared by the government, it is known that premium and pertalite fuels are not included in this scheme. State administrators argued that the creation and use of energy must be in accordance with environmentally friendly principles.

This means that the limit for motor vehicle fuel that is allowed in Indonesia is only in the category of RON 92 aka Pertamax. While premium and pertalite have RON 88 and 90, respectively.

The signal for the 'closing of the tap' for the two subsidized fuels had already been conveyed by the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) Arifin Tasrif in the middle of this year. According to him, premium distribution has begun to be reduced in order to minimize motor vehicle exhaust emissions in the ozone layer.

"Premium sales are slowly being reduced in order to minimize the impact of greenhouse gases," he said some time ago.

The question is when will premium BBM and pertalite be abolished?

The answer lies in the hands of President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). This is because strategic state decisions, such as the use of fuel oil, at least require the legal umbrella of a Presidential Regulation (Perpres). Based on the information gathered by the editors, the draft for the abolition of 'fuel wong cilik' has arrived at the table of the head of state to wait for a response: whether it is accepted or rejected.

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If it is rejected, then the decision made is quite popular because it directly intersects with the interests of the common people. However, the decision to refuse means that the government applies double standards in the approach to energy use, because on the other hand, Indonesia is quite intense in voicing the issue of climate change.

One more thing to remember is that the continued use of premium and pertalite means having to continue the energy subsidy program which of course drains the state's coffers.

The second option is to remove low octane fuel. This option is considered less popular with the public. However, the choice of using environmentally friendly energy must be started as early as possible.

Apart from being a form of commitment to what has been echoed so far (about climate change), consistency in green principled economic activities increases funding opportunities and international financing.

So, will Jokowi stay in the 'wong little' carriage or even become the first President of the Republic of Indonesia who dares to abolish subsidized premium fuel? The answer is in 2022.