IPW Says Jokowi Will Overhaul Dozens Of Ministers

JAKARTA - Indonesia Police Watch (IPW) suspects that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) will overhaul the work cabinet. There are at least a dozen cabinet members who will be replaced.

"At least 11 Jokowi ministers will be reshuffled and at most 18," said IPW Chairman Neta S. Pane in his statement, Thursday, August 20.

Although he did not explain the source of the information regarding the change in members of the working cabinet, Neta said that the reshuffle would take place after the replacement of the TNI Commander. This is because TNI Commander Hadi Tjahjono will fill one of the seats in the Ministry.

Meanwhile, the replacement of the National Police Chief will be carried out according to schedule. The change coincides with the retirement of General Idham Azis in early January 2021.

"The reshuffle plan is circulating that after being replaced by General Andhika Prakasa, TNI Commander Hadi Tjahjono will become Minister of Defense, although there are also rumors that he will become Minister of Transportation," he explained.

Dozens of Ministers who will be replaced include the Minister of Transportation, Minister of Cooperatives, Menkumham, Menpora, Mendikbud, Minister of Tourism, and Minister of Trade.

In addition, the Minister of Manpower, Minister of Social Affairs, Minister of Communication and Information, Minister of Health, Minister of Industry, State Minister for BUMN, Minister of Religion, and Head of Bulog are also on the list to be replaced by President Joko Widodo.

In fact, it is predicted that the member Jokowi will appoint as minister has a background from the police.

The reshuffle of the working cabinet, said Neta, was reasoned because Jokowi was disappointed with the work of the millennials who were previously appointed to fill seats in the work cabinet. Moreover, this decision was taken after evaluating the handling of COVID-19.

"After the Covid-19 pandemic and the new normal will be used as a momentum for Jokowi to evaluate all the performance of his government ranks. So it is hoped that after December 2020 onwards, the performance of the Jokowi government will be even better in managing the economy and security of the Indonesian nation," said Neta.