Woman's Body Found At The Bottom Of Pecatu Cliff, Condition Is Terrifying

BADUNG - The body of a woman was found on a cliff at Nyang-nyang beach, Pecatu, South Kuta, Badung, Bali, in a pathetic condition.

"The identity of the victim is still being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Kuta Police," said Head of Public Relations of Denpasar Police Iptu I Ketut Sukadi, Thursday, December 23.

This body was first discovered by witness Nyoman Sudiartana at around 10.30 WITA. While going fishing, Sudiartana smelled a foul smell.

"After a while, (the witness) found a corpse, which was thought to be female, in a supine state," continued Sukadi.

Police said the condition of the corpse was pathetic with torn underwear. This discovery was reported to the local village.

"The identity of the victim is still unknown and at 11.10 WITA Basarnas members arrived at the location and immediately searched for the victim at the bottom of the cliff. Then, at 12.00 WITA the body was successfully removed using a body bag," said Sukadi.

The condition of the victim was decomposed, the head separated and became a skull.

"It is estimated that he has been dead for more than a week, considering that previously a Honda Scoopy motorbike was found parked for a long time in the location area," Sukadi said at the same time that the woman's body was taken to Sanglah Hospital, Denpasar.