Appreciating SPI 2021, MenPAN RB Reminds KPK To Continue Conducting OTT So That There Is A Deterrent Effect

JAKARTA - Minister of Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (MenPAN RB) Tjahjo Kumolo, attended the launching of the 2021 Integrity Assessment Survey (SPI) held by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK).

Beginning his remarks, Minister Tjahjo recalled 7 presidential orders to his staff from the cabinet to the government. Both ministries/agencies, local governments to village heads of sub-districts.

"One of the points is, one, don't corrupt, create a system that closes the gap for corruption. (Two), there is no ministerial vision and mission, there is a president and vice president's vision and mission. (Three) All of them must work hard, fast and work productively (Four) Don't get stuck in a monotonous routine. (Five) Work is oriented towards tangible results. (Six) Always check problems in the field and find solutions and all must be serious in their work. And (seven) make sure those who are not serious, don't Seriously, I can take it off in the middle of the road," said Tjahjo in his remarks which were monitored virtually, Thursday, December 23.

"This is his order to enter the second period, and this continues to be conveyed on various occasions," he continued.

KemenPAN RB appreciates the KPK, which is one of the points of strengthening the system. By strengthening the system, according to Tjahjo, the KPK led by Firli Bahuri has shown very significant results.

"Rarely in one period, two ministers are caught by OTT, several regional heads, private sector, and ASN which from year to year I see there is still an increasing trend," said Tjahjo.

Tjahjo also always reminded ministries, institutions and regional heads to carefully understand the problems of corruption-prone areas related to budget planning, grants and social assistance funds, as well as those related to levies and taxes.

Including those relating to the mechanism for purchasing goods and services, those relating to the sale and purchase of positions, and now added by the KPK, namely village fund management, asset management and licensing issues.

"Because of bureaucratic reform which is the vision and mission of the president and vice president, in the short term how to cut the long bureaucratic chain into short. Accelerate the public service process in a transparent and open manner. the third day and accelerate the investment licensing process so that economic growth in the region can run well," explained the PDIP politician.

Tjahjo said that countries that have low levels of corruption do have a tendency to grow and develop quickly. While Indonesia's position was reported yesterday by the KPK chairman to the president and vice president on World Anti-Corruption Day, Indonesia has not shifted from position 102.

"On the other hand, the president's directive on the ease of doing business, in which corrupt practices are a factor that hinders economic growth. The problem of extortion in various public services, I would like to briefly quote that this license is also still a lot of people who run to extortion, which hinders investment in area in particular," said Tjahjo.

"I want to say that this is under the authority of governors, regents, mayors. If this is allowed, the ease and business index will still be far away," he continued.

Tjahjo reminded, the high potential for corruption from licensing issues that do not yet have a standard, problems with bureaucracy, problems with escorts that have not been well integrated electronically.

"I think this is a paradigm shift in the bureaucracy. Where licensing by the task force must have results," he said.

Therefore, MenPAN RB encouraged the KPK to continue to take steps to supervise and prevent, as stated by Firli Bahuri.

"There is anti-corruption education and don't forget that OTT must continue to be carried out for a deterrent effect. Otherwise, we see that from year to year our ASN is getting more and more involved," said Tjahjo.