Minister Of Home Affairs Tito Says The Average Realization Of APBD Revenues Is 86.61 Percent

JAKARTA - Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Muhammad Tito Karnavian revealed that the average realization of Provincial and Regency/City Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budgets (APBD) in Indonesia was 86.61 percent or Rp.1,009.33 trillion.

"This (realization) is lower than the previous year as of December 31, 2020, it was 92.48 percent (Rp 1,050.93 trillion), this is an overview of the realization of income," Tito said in a statement received in Jakarta, Wednesday, December 22.

The Minister of Home Affairs explained, based on data from the Directorate General (Ditjen) of Regional Financial Development (Keuda) of the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri) as of December 17, 2021 at 18.00 WIB, the average realization of Provincial and Regency/City APBD revenues throughout Indonesia was 86.61 percent. or Rp1,009.33 trillion. This figure consists of transfer funds of Rp. 734.44 trillion or 73.66 percent, and the remaining Rp. 265.89 trillion or 26.34 percent comes from outside transfer funds.

This figure is obtained from the average provincial income realization of 91.37 percent or IDR 325.62 trillion, the district average of 84.47 percent or IDR 558.01 trillion, and the city average of 84.69 percent or IDR 125.71 trillion.

“The highest DIY, approaching 100 percent (97.32 percent), Bangka Belitung Islands (97.10 percent), West Java (96.29 percent), Gorontalo (96.27 percent), Central Sulawesi (95.60 percent) , West Sumatra (95.26 percent), Aceh (95.11 percent), and Riau (94.54 percent), these are regions that are relatively able to achieve the target according to the beginning of the income year," said the Minister of Home Affairs, quoted by Antara.

Furthermore, Tito also highlighted the low realization of income in several provinces, such as South Sumatra which only reached 77.49 percent of income, East Kalimantan 79.91 percent, Maluku 84.63 percent, East Nusa Tenggara 84.84 percent, and Maluku North 85.40 percent.

"Perhaps one of them is because there is indeed pressure on the economy, there are levies that have been raised, such as mineral and coal mining, as well as the IMB nomenclature, this also makes revenue from PAD low," said Tito.

Meanwhile, the realization of Provincial and Regency/City APBD expenditures throughout Indonesia as of December 17, 2021 at 18:00 WIB, recorded an average realization figure of 73.23 percent or Rp. 928.25 trillion. In percentage terms, the realization of regional spending in December 2021 FY (73.23 percent) was lower than in December 2020 FY (82.69 percent).

The difference is caused by the calculation of the realization of 2021 only until mid-December, while in 2020 the calculation is based on realization data until the end of December. For this reason, it is hoped that there will be an optimal increase in expenditure realization by the end of December 2021. The figure for the realization of APBD expenditures for the 2021 FY is obtained from the average realization of provincial expenditures of 78.49 percent or Rp. 305.57 trillion, the average of 71.08 districts. percent or IDR 507.68 trillion, and the city average is 70.09 percent or IDR 115.00 trillion.

The Minister of Home Affairs also asked the Regional Government to continue to boost the realization of its revenues and expenditures for the remainder of the year 2021.

"Because it is nearing the end of the year, then on various occasions the President has always emphasized the issue of spending realization, because the realization of expenditures for both the central government and regional governments, which are the main backbone to encourage the economy during this pandemic period, is very important," he said.

The Minister of Home Affairs released data on the realization of Regional Government (Pemda) revenue and expenditure as of December 17, 2021. The data was released towards the end of the year at the Regional Treasury Savings Discussion Meeting at Commercial Banks which was held virtually on Wednesday.