Sri Mulyani: It Took 100 Years To Achieve Gender Equality

JAKARTA - Minister of Finance (Menkeu) Sri Mulyani emphasized that it would take almost 100 years to close the gender gap at the global level. This assumption is based on research from the World Economic Forum (WEF) Report in 2020.

"Gender inequality can only be closed within a period of 99.5 years, so it takes a period of almost 100 years," she said while speaking at the Capital Market Women Empowerment forum through online channels, Wednesday, December 22.

According to the Minister of Finance, women face various obstacles in order to be able to get equality, not only in terms of opportunity, but also recognition.

"This is mainly because women are still lagging behind in their participation in the economy, the economy, and also in terms of politics, empowerment and political decision-making," he said.

It was stated that several important roles in the cabinet and in the DPR were indeed held by women. However, the participation of women in the labor force is still very low.

“On average, the participation rate of women in our workforce is only 54 percent. For men, 82 percent. So far below men," he said.

To overcome this, the Ministry of Finance through the APBN has included gender responsive budgeting, from planning, budgeting, monitoring, to tracking how state spending supports the creation of gender equality in Indonesia.

"It is necessary to see whether the gender dimension is maintained to provide equal opportunities because women are often faced with social, cultural conditions, even in terms of norms that hinder them or are made as an additional obstacle for them to be able to progress together in life. as well as in the socio-economic role," closed the Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani.