Nawawi: Ideally, The Case Of Extortion Of K Guru Indragiri Hulu Should Be Handled By The KPK

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nawawi Pomolango assessed that ideally the case of extortion of prosecutors from Indragiri Hulu, Riau, was handled by his party. By being handled by the KPK, it is hoped that this case can be investigated fairly.

"Ideally, KPK should handle corruption cases that involve law enforcement officials. It would be fairer to foster a sense of public confidence in the handling of the cases in question," Nawawi told reporters, Wednesday, August 19.

Moreover, based on Article 11 of the Corruption Eradication Commission Law, it is stated that this anti-corruption agency has the authority to deal with suspected corruption crimes committed by other law enforcement officials. In addition, Nawawi also reminded that this authority was given by the KPK due to public distrust of the ability of other law enforcement officers to resolve allegations of internal corruption.

"From there then my view is that all cases involving law enforcement officials should be handled by the KPK," he said.

"I am not talking about case takeover. In my opinion, this will be more relevant, there will be more appreciation if there is a will of the law enforcement institution to delegate the handling of the case to the KPK. So the KPK is not only in the corridor of supervision but the KPK must handle the case. of the sort, "he added.

It is known, the AGO has named three suspects at the Indragiri Hulu District Attorney (Kejari) for allegedly forcibly extorting the School Operational Assistance (BOS) budget for the 2019 Fiscal Year.

The three people are the Head of the Indragiri Hulu Public Prosecutor's Office with the initials HS, the Head of the Special Crimes Section of the Indragiri Hulu Public Prosecutor's Office with the initials OAP, and the Head of Seizure Goods Sub-Section in the Management of Evidence and Seized Goods Section of the Indragiri Hulu Public Prosecutor's Office with the initials RFR. The three are suspected of extorting 64 school principals worth Rp. 650 million.

For their actions, the three suspects were suspected of violating article 12 letter e or article 5 paragraph 2 junto paragraph 1 letter b Law number 31 of 1999 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption as amended by Law number 20 of 2001 in conjunction with article 55 paragraph 1 1 of the Criminal Code.