The Trial Of Rape Cases Of Santriwati In Bandung Held Marathon, Witness Examined Per Cluster

BANDUNG - Head of the West Java High Prosecutor's Office (Kajati) Asep N Mulyana said the trial of the immoral case against students with the defendant HW (36) would be conducted in a marathon.

The marathon in question, said Asep, is that the examination of witnesses will be divided into clusters. However, he said, the witnesses presented were still in accordance with the law of the trial procedure.

"In accordance with the procedural law, we propose to the panel of judges, we will examine witnesses in a marathon," Asep said at the Bandung District Court, Bandung City, West Java, Antara, Tuesday, December 21.

Each trial agenda for examining witnesses will be carried out according to the cluster that is divided. For example, he said, witnesses from the background of a midwife who assisted in the birth of the victim would be presented in one day.

"So later, there will be clusters, such as midwives, PNS clusters, and other clusters," he said.

According to him, the technique was carried out so that the public prosecutor or the panel of judges would not conduct examinations with the same questions over and over again. So that the judicial process according to him can run efficiently.

"So, according to what was suspected, we asked all of them, not just criminal acts against the children," he said.

He revealed that up to now there have been 18 witnesses examined at the trial. The witnesses who have been presented are underage witnesses and some of them are victims.

HW was accused of committing immoral acts to 12 female students. His disgraceful actions caused the victims to experience pregnancy and childbirth.

HW was charged with carrying out the action between 2016 and 2021. He is said to have carried out the action in a number of places, from Islamic boarding schools to lodging such as hotels and apartments.