Banten Police And Lampung Police Discuss Insulation, Screening Process For Cross-Provincial Ship Passengers Ahead Of Christmas And New Year
JAKARTA – Approaching Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022, the Banten Regional Police, Lampung Regional Police, and the Banten Provincial Government are coordinating to prepare security in the jurisdictions of Banten and Lampung.
"This coordination meeting is a manifestation of the readiness of the National Police, regional governments, and all elements of society ahead of the 2021 Christmas and 2022 New Year celebrations to create a conducive security and security situation so that people can celebrate Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022 with a sense of security during the Covid-19 pandemic," explained Banten Police Chief Inspector General Pol Dr. Rudy Heriyanto, quoted Tuesday, December 21.
In the coordination meeting, the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs (Imendagri) Number 66 of 2021 became a reference for the framework, concerning the Prevention and Control of COVID-19 at Christmas 2021 and New Year 2022.
The government has made policies including arrangements for houses of worship or churches, arrangements for 2022 New Year celebrations, arrangements for shopping places, arrangements for local tourist attractions, the elimination of Christmas and New Year homecoming, arrangements for leave for the Christmas and New Year holiday period, and community mobility.
"In line with the new variant of COVID-19, namely Omicron in Indonesia, we must continue to carry out the directives of the President of the Republic of Indonesia regarding the implementation of 3T namely Testing, Tracing and Treatment," said Rudy.
"In the implementation of security for Christmas and New Year (Christmas and New Year) there is no isolation, there are only restrictions and this needs to be anticipated together and we must agree on the pattern from both the Banten Police and the Lampung Police," said Rudy Heriyanto.
Regarding traffic, continued Rudy Heriyanto, it is still an obstacle because there is a discourse on applying odd-even on the Java toll road, while on the Sumatran highway it is not even odd-even.
"Please coordinate well with the government's commitment to odd-even on the toll roads in the Sumatra region," said Rudy Heriyanto.
In addition, the meeting emphasized the socialization of odd-even implementation at tourist attractions in Banten Province and Lampung Province.
"If it has been screened at one of the ports, then there is no need for screening at the Lampung Police or Banten Police. The goal is to avoid traffic jams, and there should be no crossing restrictions that hinder the distribution of basic and important materials," explained Rudy.
Regarding the disturbance of Public Security and Order, the Banten Police together with the Regional Government and all elements of society are trying to create a conducive situation as well as a sense of security and comfort for the people who celebrate Christmas and New Year.
"Preparing security posts and service posts at places of worship, crowded locations, shopping areas, and tourist attractions as well as maximizing the toll gate on the Cilegon-Merak direction, which is often used as a homecoming and tourist destination to avoid the accumulation of vehicles," he concluded.
Meanwhile, the Lampung Regional Police Chief Inspector General Pol Hendro Sugiatno said the purpose of this coordination meeting was to make the same policy, because of the differences in the policies of each government. So, Hendro continued, the main purpose of the meeting was to stop the spread of COVID-19, because in previous years after the holiday celebrations there had always been an increase in cases.
"I hope that what has become an agreement must be carried out together so that Christmas and New Year's security can run well and conducive," he said.