Note! Cianjur ASN Prohibited From Vacations And Coordination Meetings Outside The City At The End Of The Year, Violation Will Have Strict Sanctions

JAKARTA - The Regent of Cianjur, West Java Herman Suherman forbade all State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in all Regional Apparatus Organizations (OPD) within the Cianjur Regency Government to hold activities or coordination meetings (Rakor) outside the city, at the end of the year, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

"There should be no more similar cases where the agency holds activities, including coordination meetings outside the city. Don't let the case of the education office on vacation to Pangandaran happen again, because I don't allow it," he said, as quoted by Antara, Monday, December 20.

He emphasized that he would provide direct sanctions against ASN or OPD who violate the prohibition. Strict sanctions will be given to those who do not heed. In fact, his party asked all parties to report if they found ASN in each OPD on vacation or doing activities outside the city.

"Immediately report it to me or to the relevant agency, we will immediately reprimand it directly. In fact, I will give strict sanctions for those who continue to violate it," he said.

Previously, the video of dozens of ASN in the Cianjur Education Office made a scene for the local community, because in the video, they were abuzz mentioning the activities carried out on Pangandara Beach for fun.

In fact, in another video, dozens of Disdik officials can be seen dancing when a female employee sings on the bus, several male employees are seen giving money orders, they seem euphoric by not wearing masks or ignoring health protocol.

"It's quite sad, dozens of employees in the Cianjur Disdik environment, do not show good things for the community to emulate. They shouldn't mention these activities, for fun. We ask them to be wise in using social media because digital footprints are evil," said a resident of Sayang Village, Firman Taqur (38).

Meanwhile, Head of Cianjur Disdik Himam Haris said that the three-day activity in Pangandara was a coordination meeting that was participated in by all fields of Disdik. He admitted that the coordination meeting participants were excessive after undergoing activities for three days, so the video circulated.

"Perhaps this is a form of happiness for them after undergoing a coordination meeting for three days, so to relieve boredom the guides try to lighten the atmosphere," he said.