Access To 2 Villages In Gresik Is Cut Off Due To The Broken Benjeng Bridge

GRESIK - Access to two villages, namely Bulurejo Village to Gluranploso Village, Gresik Regency, East Java, was cut off due to the bridge connecting the two sinking in the retaining foundation.

One of the residents, Ahmad Ali said that due to the collapse of the bridge in Benjeng sub-district, residents had to turn around on the west side about 3 km further or it would take longer than usual.

"Now we have to make a detour through the next village, on the Boro Bridge. Of course, this is further away and cannot be freed because it is narrower, and sand trucks are not allowed to pass, let alone large trucks and others", said Ali, to reporters quoted by Antara on Monday, December 20.

He admitted that he did not know the cause of the collapse of the bridge, which was built in 2002 because the condition of the asphalt and the barrier was still good, but suddenly it collapsed on Sunday, December 19 in the afternoon.

"Fortunately, no residents or motorists were crossing the location. So that there were no casualties at that time", said Ali, explaining.

According to Ali, at that time, residents suddenly heard a loud sound like a building collapsing, but the condition of the bridge was deserted, so there were no casualties.

According to him, the bridge, named Kacangan, is vital access for residents, because it serves as translucent access in Kedamean to Menganti sub-districts in the event of flooding in the surrounding area.

Meanwhile, Gresik Regent, Fandi Akhmad Yani, when reviewing the condition of the bridge said the subsidence of the bridge was suspected to be a natural factor.

However, Gus Yani, his nickname, has instructed the Gresik Public Works and Spatial Planning Agency (PUTR) to form an investigation team to find out the cause.

"Don't rush to rebuild without knowing what caused the bridge to sink", said Gus Yani,

He said the Kacangan Bridge was vital access for the community, so a solution had to be found immediately.

"Steps to be taken now are to monitor and anticipate the embankment so that the swift flow of water does not directly hit the foundation of the bridge pillars and can get worse", he said.