Jan Ethes Becomes Center Of Attention When Taking Taekwondo Level Up Exams, Agile Hitting, Parrying And Up Chagi

SOLO - The eldest son of the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, Jan Ethes Srinarendra, became the attention of his friends when he took the taekwondo level promotion exam in Solo, Central Java.

Jan Ethes's friends seemed enthusiastic about telling stories, sitting with Jan Ethes on the sidelines of the exam which was held at Sanggar Kartika Buana (SKB) at the Convention Hall Terminal Type A Tirtonadi Solo, Sunday, December 19 yesterday.

The 'gossip' moment of Jan Ethes and his colleagues can be seen from the video shared by the Youtube channel @berita surakarta, Monday, December 20. Jan Ethes and his colleagues who wore white uniforms seemed enthusiastic about sharing their stories.

I don't know what they were talking about. It seems that every now and then the examinees turned to Jan Ethes, approached, and told stories behind the masks they were wearing.

The moment then moved when Jan Ethes demonstrated various movements in this Korean martial art.

Jan Ethes' hands were agile to parry, punch and perform up chagi movements while following the instructions of the Takewondo coach.

Jan Ethes' mother, Selvi Ananda, said that before taking this level-up exam, she had time to ask the coach. According to the coach, Jan Ethes was able to take the exam. The trick is just to follow.