Gus Yahya Claims To Be Supported By The Majority Of Congress Participants To Become PBNU Chairman

JAKARTA - Katib Aam Nahdlatul Ulama (PBNU) Executive Board KH Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya claims to have the support of the majority of NU branch administrators (PCNU) and NU regional administrators (PWNU) as PBNU general chairman.

"From what I saw when I met them, the majority agreed. I think I know which faces agree and who don't," said Gus Yahya after the book review Turning Gus Dur on (Notes Memories of KH Yayha Cholil Staquf) quoted by Antara, Sunday, December 19.

Gus Yahya revealed that he had met with 474 branches and regional administrators throughout Indonesia. The meeting was held privately without going through a success team, to convey thoughts and visions and missions as one of the candidates for the general chairmanship of PBNU.

"Because I met them face to face, I conveyed my offers in person and I listened to their thoughts and objections," explained Gus Yahya.

Gus Yahya also claims to have the support of Gus Dur's family and has asked them for their blessing.

Meanwhile, the general chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar said that from Gus Dur's many students, Gus Yahya had inherited two things, namely courage and self-confidence.

"When he was nominating as general chairman of PBNU, Gus Yahya said he was almost certain to win," said Muhaimin.

Muhaimin joked that Gus Yahya was the most daring person to take risks in the NU Republic.

The 34th Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) congress is scheduled for 22-23 December 2021 in Lampung. The two candidates who are expected to compete are Katib Aam, Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board (PBNU) KH Yahya Cholil Staquf or Gus Yahya and the current general chairman of PBNU KH Said Aqil Siroj.

The NU congress is estimated to be attended by 2,295 participants from 34 PWNU (102 people), 521 PCNU (1,563 people), 31 PCINU (93 people), as well as 14 autonomous bodies (42 people) and 18 institutions (54 people) at the central level. In addition, PBNU delegates from syuriyah elements (32 people), mustasyar (15 people), a'wan (20 people), and tanfidziyah (38 people) added the number of committee members as many as 336 people.