COVID Vaccination In Aceh Timur Kecil Is Only 35.5 Percent, What's Up With The 70 Percent Target By The End Of The Year?

ACEH - The East Aceh District Health Office said the achievement of COVID-19 vaccination in the area towards the end of the new year reached 35.5 percent or 107,614 people from the vaccination target of 312,063 people.

The Head of the Aceh Timur Health Service, Sahminan, said that the Committee for the Handling of COVID-19 and the National Economic Recovery (KPCPEN) targets the vaccination achievement in East Aceh Regency to reach 70 percent by the end of December 2021.

"However, until mid-December, the vaccination achievement has only reached 35.5 percent or 107,614 people from the target of 312,063 people," said Sahminan in East Aceh, Antara, Saturday, December 18.

To achieve the 70 percent target, said Sahminan, his party will continue to work hard and work closely with parties including the TNI and Polri to intensify the vaccination program.

In numbers, said Sahminan, many people in East Aceh have been vaccinated, but the percentage is still minimal. Moreover, East Aceh Regency has a large area.

"When viewed from the percentage, the number of people who have been vaccinated has not yet met the government's target. Therefore, it is also necessary to support all stakeholders in achieving the vaccination target," said Sahminan.

Sahminan also appealed to people who have been targeted by the vaccination to come to the nearest public health service units (PKM).

"Immediately visit the nearest PKM or vaccination outlets provided by the regional government and the police to get the COVID-19 vaccine," said Sahminan.