The National Police Chief Responds The Hashtag #PercumaLaporPolisi: It's Time For Us To Clean Up

JAKARTA - The National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo asked his staff to conduct an evaluation in order to eliminate the stigma in society with the emergence of phenomena on social media (medsos) that often raise violations committed by police personnel.

Sigit highlighted a number of phenomena in social media with the emergence of the hashtag (hash/#) #PercumaLaporPolisi, then the hashtag #1Hari1Oknum, and most recently #NoViralNoJustice.

"This is the time for us to improve to do better things. How do we see the development of social media related to uploaded events. This is the task of all of us," said Sigit when giving directions at the "Analysis and Evaluation Coordination Meeting (Rakor Anev) of the General Supervision Inspectorate (Itwasum). ) Police" in Yogyakarta quoted by Antara, Friday, December 17.

Regarding the hashtag #NoViralNoJustice, Sigit said that people make comparisons with cases that started with going viral compared to cases that started with reports under normal conditions.

The public, continued Sigit, saw that cases that went viral tend to end quickly. It even spawned the hashtag #ViralForJustice.

"This phenomenon must be evaluated, why did it happen. Then it is inherent in the community and must be viral, otherwise the process will not go viral," said Sigit.

The National Police Chief emphasized that the ranks of the National Police must accept all perceptions that arise in the community. This is part of the evaluation and criticism for the Police.

With the public's criticism, said Sigit, the police ranks must improve themselves, try to do better things, and meet the expectations of the community.

On the one hand, said Sigit, the presence of the National Police in humanitarian operations is appreciated by the community. This shows that the community's hope and trust in the Police, which serves and protects them, still exists.

"This is part of the task of the ranks to evaluate which side is still lacking in relation to the journey of the Polri organization, both in terms of individual behavior so that it is then corrected," said Sigit.

Sigit added that the National Police can be good when the role of Itwasum is maximized in every line so that all activities of the Polri organization run on the right track according to the organization's goals.

Evaluation is part of the Police which is not anti-critical of input from the public, he said.

The current Police personnel, he explained, must be able to get out of their comfort zone to realize the expectations of the community as a Police that is loved and expected by the community.

"There is only one choice, which is to get out of your comfort zone so that our organization can become a modern organization," said Sigit.