Democrat Politician Quips KAMI: Just Social Media Figures

JAKARTA - Din Syamsuddin and a number of figures declared the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (WE). A politician from the Democratic Party, Ferdinan Hutahaean, said that this declaration was a repetition of the existing movement.

"For example, there was a Back to the Original 45 Constitution which led to treason, although the legal case didn't continue at the discretion of the authorities," Ferdinan told reporters, Jakarta, Tuesday, August 18.

That way, he believes this declaration will not do anything real. Or apply what was declared today at the Proclamation Monument.

"So this movement is just a voice movement, aka a too-much-talk movement. It will not become a real movement in the field, let alone a people's movement," he said.

According to him, the announcement from that KAMI had not entirely represented the feelings of the people. Then, it also does not penetrate the heart of the people.

"And the figures in this movement are figures who do not get the trust of the public, only in the class of social media figures," he said.

For that, he believes the public will not follow them. "The people believe more in the government than in these people, which I don't want to call them figures," he said.

It is known, Din Syamsuddin and a number of figures, including former TNI Commander, Gatot Nurmantyo, declared the Action Coalition to Save Indonesia (KAMI). Din Syamsuddin emphasized that KAMI aims to help deal with national problems.

Not only in Jakarta but Din Syamsuddin also claimed that the KAMI declaration was held simultaneously in some cities such as Solo, Surabaya, Yogyakarta, Semarang, Medan, Semarang, Bandung, Palembang, Makassar, Banjarmasin. According to Din Syamsuddin, the declaration was carried out by our representatives abroad, such as the US, Australia, and Switzerland.

In front of the masses, Din Syamsuddin emphasized that KAMI is a moral movement. This movement aspires to uphold the truth and create justice for society.

"And we, as a moral movement, together we move and fight. That the moral movement is not devoid of politics, we are also in politics. But we are in moral politics. Our politics are based on moral values," he continued.

Din Syamsuddin also reminded KAMI supporters to remain vigilant. He suspected that there was an attempt to deflate KAMI. 

"There may be those who do not like it, very possibly there is pressure and intimidation as a form of fabrication that wants to destroy our movement," he said.

Meanwhile, KAMI declarator, Gatot Nurmantyo, touched on many things about the condition of Indonesia. Gatot talked about his journey several years ago regarding the vulnerability to the integrity of the nation.

"We need to unite in a common belief. As a nation, we don't want to be divided for any interest. Remember, we are a rich and prosperous country. A tolerant society and full of cooperation. In the current difficult conditions, we have extraordinary strength. We have the potential to become a developed country," said Gatot.