Online Gambling Nest In Sukoharjo Tray Area Raided By Police, Three People Arrested

JAKARTA - The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation of the Central Java Police raided a house suspected of being used as an online gambling gathering place in the Baki area, Sukoharjo Regency. Assisted by the Sukoharjo Police Criminal Investigation Unit, the Central Java Police team arrested three people who were the masterminds of online gambling at that location.

They are, AC alias BEN, acting as the person in charge as well as the owner of a computer designed to operate online gambling. AW and MBMP as online gambling operators.

A house used as a nest for online gambling in the Baki area, Sukoharjo, Central Java/ Photo: Doc. Banten Police

The Head of the Central Java Regional Police Humas Kombes Pol M Iqbal Alqudusy said the arrests began with the Ditkrimsus team who carried out the Cyber Patrol and found an Instagram account with the name @kangtau88, and an online site called The two addresses, said Iqbal, provide various types of online gambling services.

"After investigating, the police raided the crime scene and arrested three suspects. A number of evidences have also been secured," said Iqbal through an official statement received by VOI, Friday, December 17.

A house used as a nest for online gambling in the Baki area, Sukoharjo, Central Java/ Photo: Doc. Banten Police

The officers secured a number of evidences such as three computers, a bank account to hold funds, several ATM cards, seven cellular phones, a WiFi modem, CCTV as well as a number of starter packs.

Iqbal explained, so far the Police have made maximum efforts to prevent and take action against gambling players, including online gambling.

"Several criminal cases have also occurred, starting with online gambling addiction, having debts and then stealing or domestic violence with wives. Many things happen in the community," explained Iqbal.

The three suspects will be charged with article 50 in conjunction with article 34 paragraph (1) or article 45 paragraph (2) in conjunction with article 27 paragraph (2) UURI number 19 of 2016 concerning amendments to UURI number 11 of 2008 concerning information and electronic transactions.

"The suspects and the evidence are currently being held at the Central Java Police," closed Iqbal.

A house used as a nest for online gambling in the Baki area, Sukoharjo, Central Java/ Photo: Doc. Banten Police