The Irony Of Nia Ramadhani's Statement Using Methamphetamine Because He Is Sad To Lose His Father, Cannot Be An Example For His Own Child

JAKARTA - During the trial on Thursday, December 16, it was revealed why Nia Ramadhani used methamphetamine. Nia Ramadhani, admitted that she had used methamphetamine since April 2021 because she had personal problems.

He said that the consumption of prohibited items began when he felt down after his father died in 2014. Then, to relieve his sadness, Nia remembered the words of her fellow artist colleagues in 2006 who said that methamphetamine could relieve the sadness she was experiencing.

"I remember what my friend said, for example, if we use it when we are tired, we can become strong, if we are sad, we can be happy," he said, quoted from ANTARA, December 17.

Chief Judge Mohammad Damis in the trial asked Nia Ramadhani to be a good role model for his children. Those words made Nia Ramadhani admit that her eldest daughter, Mikhayla Zalindra Bakrie had understood and knew about the case that happened to her and her husband, Ardi Bakrie.

"He knows this problem," Nia said while crying.

After telling the problem, Nia then apologized to her child. "It's ok mama, the important thing is that you already know (that's wrong) and I'm proud of you," Nia said, imitating her son's answer.

Nia Ramadhani and Ardi Bakrie, as well as personal driver Zen Vivanto were charged with drug abuse for consuming narcotics class I. For their actions, the defendants were charged with violating Article 127 paragraph 1 letter a of Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Juncto Narcotics Article 55 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of four years in prison.