Gibran Ensures Readiness Of Health Facilities In Solo Anticipates Omicron Variants

SOLO - Solo Mayor Gibran Rakabuming Raka ensured the readiness of health care facilities to anticipate the entry of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 which has now been found in Indonesia.

"We have monitored everything, we have also anticipated an increase in hospital capacity, all are on standby, instructions for increasing hospital capacity are according to the governor's instructions," he said in Solo, Central Java, Antara, Friday, December 17.

He said that in accordance with the directions from the central government, local governments were also asked to accelerate vaccination, including vaccines for children.

COVID-19 vaccination for children aged 6-11 years will start on December 21, 2021.

"As of Tuesday, there are 57,000 children," he said. He targets that the COVID-19 vaccination for children can be completed within two months.

"That is if the supply of vaccines is smooth. So far the vaccine stock is safe, everything is safe. In the past there was a shortage, then there were shipments. We are coordinating with the province (Central Java Provincial Government)," he said.

Meanwhile, he is also not so worried about the entry of the Omicron variant into Indonesia. According to him, the variant is not as vicious as the Delta variant.

"Don't worry, (the people) have all been vaccinated," he said.

Asked about the possibility of restrictions at the end of the year to minimize the possibility of the entry of the new variant, he ensured that there would be no blocking of entrances to the city of Solo. "If the economy is closed, the economy will not move later," he said.