What Is The Difference Between Indonesian And Foreign SOEs?
JAKARTA - State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Minister Erick Thohir said there are differences between state-owned companies in Indonesia and those abroad. One of the fundamental differences is that BUMN is the foundation of public services.
As well as being the foundation and platform for public services, Erick explained, BUMN also has a function as a supporter of ultra-micro businesses in the country.
"What is interesting is that the dependence on public services and support for ultra-micro and poor people in Indonesia, including SMEs, is BUMN that is the foundation and platform for their supporters," he said, during a virtual discussion, Sunday, August 16.
For example, said Erick, state-owned companies have a role in this difficult situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Where BUMN is present to help affected SME entrepreneurs. This is because SOEs have a close relationship with SMEs.
"We can see how Bank Mandiri, even though it is a corporate bank, still helps SMEs. If we talk about BRI, we don't have to talk about it. It's clear. PNM with its ultra-micro program is more than Mekaar, UMi, where women without collateral are given assistance. Rp2 to Rp10 million. Of course this is what differentiates it from other countries, "he said.
In addition, according to Erick, SOEs have received a lot of assignments given by the government in the midst of a difficult situation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, related to public services.
Erick said that BUMN cannot work alone. Therefore, it is necessary to collaborate between BUMN and local governments and other ministries in carrying out their duties.
"Even in the current condition, BUMN is not silent but ensures that we support our national strategy, we accelerate it, apart from the BUMN projects that are already running. For example, B30, Petrochemicals, so that we can protect against the supply chain," he said.