Bank Mandiri Facilitates 9,600 Tenant Non-Cash Transactions At Thamrin City Mall

JAKARTA - PT Bank Mandiri Tbk. It was stated that he had collaborated with the management of the PT Jakarta Realty shopping center building to facilitate cashless transactions for 9,600 Tenants at Thamrin City Mall.

Bank Mandiri Network and Retail Banking Director, Aquarius Rudianto, said his party was encouraging digitization through the cashless society movement according to the needs of customers and the community through the use of the Indonesian Standard QR Code (QRIS) as a merchant transaction tool.

"Through this synergy, we hope to expand the use of QRIS as a means of non-cash payments to the public and encourage the convenience of digital transactions", he said in an official statement, Tuesday, December 14.

According to Aquarius, QRIS has been used by micro, small, medium, and large traders, in various business sectors, and is also used for socio-religious donations.

"During the pandemic, Thamrin city has gradually improved and now this shopping center is increasing the use of cashless, namely using QRIS", he said.

The cooperation ceremony between Bank Mandiri and PT Jakarta Realty was marked by the signing by both parties and also attended by the Head of Bank Indonesia DKI Jakarta Representative, Onny Widjanarko, Deputy Director of Banking Supervision 2 OJK, R. Hesty Soemanto, President Director of PT Jakarta Realty, Mualim Wijoyo, and Regional RCEO IV Jakarta 2 Bank Mandiri, Trilaksito Singgih.

For information, the state-owned bank claims that until November 2021 the number of registered QRIS Mandiri merchants has reached 865,000 outlets. This number jumped significantly compared to the closing of 2020 which was recorded at 390,000 merchants.

"This year's book has exceeded Bank Mandiri's QRIS expansion target that has been set", he said.

Meanwhile, active users of the company's official Livin' by Mandiri application are known to have been accessed by more than 2.6 million customers throughout the Greater Jakarta area.