Having Limited Human Resources, KPK Collaborates With Anti-Corruption Counsel To Prevent Corrupt Behavior

JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) cooperates with 2,041 anti-corruption counselors to eradicate presumptuous behavior in society. This step was taken because the resources of the anti-corruption commission were limited.

"So the KPK has many limitations. Therefore, to expand the eradication network in terms of prevention and prosecution, the KPK conducts network development by increasing anti-corruption counselors and also experts in building integrity," said KPK Deputy Chair Nurul Ghufron to reporters, Tuesday, December 14.

In the field of prevention, these extension workers will be tasked with setting an example of how public services are transparent, certain, and participatory. Meanwhile, in the field of enforcement, said Ghufron, they will be asked to provide advocacy to the community.

"Then if they see or hear, know about a corruption crime, they should report it to the KPK," he said.

In addition, these extension officers are also expected to improve the integrity of the state civil apparatus in their territory. Although he is not sure, the current number of anti-corruption counselors is sufficient to carry out their duties.

Later, the KPK will award the best anti-corruption instructor every year. This gift, said Ghufron, was made to burn their enthusiasm in spreading anti-corruption attitudes in Indonesia.

"If we don't respect them, we don't reward them even though they face big challenges in the field. These integrity builder experts or anti-corruption factions or counselors are at least considered pretentious, pretending to be heroes," he explained.

Furthermore, Ghufron also advised these anti-corruption counselors not to abuse their position. He reminded that there should not be extension workers who actually blackmail the community or related parties.

"We gave directions so that they don't misuse them because then many people sometimes extort, abuse, or even use them as campaigns. That's what we take care of so that there is no abuse," concluded Ghuftron.