How To Set Endorse Price On TikTok Using TikTok Money Calculator

YOGYAKARTA - Being a content creator of short TikTok videos is quite tempting for some people. The reason is, with a smartphone you can generate quite a large amount of money.

Although TikTok doesn't pay for creator content, like YouTube does. However, content creators of TikTok can still make money in various ways, from selling, to endorsing certain products.

The value of each endorsed video on TikTok is also different. While every creator has the right to set their rates, users also need to consider the number of followers you have.

The reason is, if the tariff is too high, then the product owner will object to asking for an endorsement on your TikTok account. On the other hand, if it is too cheap, it can make the creator lose.

To determine the price range of your TikTok account, users can use the help of the TikTok Money Calculator service. With this service, users can find out how much is the right price to endorse on your TikTok account, based on their performance.

If users still don't know how to use the TikTok Money Calculator service, to calculate the endorsement price of your TikTik account, then you can follow the steps that have been compiled by the VOI team below.

How to Determine TikTok Endorsement Prices

To use the TikTok Money Calculator service, users can visit the site using a browser application such as Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox on their device.

On the main page of the website, users will be asked to fill in some of your TikTok account information, such as the Username of the TikTok account that they want to see the price for.

After entering the TikTok Username in the column provided, click the Search button, and the user will enter their TikTok account statistics page, along with the endorsement value.

Next, select the "Check out estimated earning in TikTok for user" menu to find out the estimated income you will get from your TikTok account.

Users can also select the "Calculate Earning" menu and enter their TikTok Username to see the calculated earnings that they can get from TikTok account.

After selecting Calculate Earning and filling in the TikTok Username, users can wait a while to find out the results of the calculated income that they can generate within a certain time.

This way, they can estimate how much revenue you can earn and set a price for endorsements in TikTok video posts in your account.

That was one of the ways you can set an endorse price on TikTok using the TikTok Money Calculator service which you can try by following the steps above.