Linked To Drug Cases, Ben Joshua: I'm Fine

JAKARTA - An artist with the initials BJ was arrested for a drug case on Saturday, December 11 in South Tangerang. Reportedly BJ is a soap opera actor and was arrested using methamphetamine.

Actor Ben Joshua was also targeted by these initials because the media dared to list his identity as an artist who was arrested by the police.

Feeling annoyed, Ben Joshua immediately made a video asking the media to clarify the false news.

"Actually I'm lazy to clarify because I think this will go away by itself. Because I already answered in the post," said Ben Joshua.

"I'm fine. I'm healthy. I just got home from filming and this is my clarification, yes," he concluded at the end of the video.

He also stated that he would wait for clarification from a number of online media that dragged his name in this drug case.

The identity of BJ has not been announced by the police and is still in the process of being investigated. Previously, there was soap opera Jeff Smith who was arrested at his residence last week. Jeff Smith was arrested again after being released last September for narcotics.