Jiwasraya Corruption Loot Ship Doesn't Sell At Auction, This Is The Strategy Of The Ministry Of Finance

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu) ensures that it will continue to work to maximize the proceeds of Jiwasraya's corruption that have been confiscated by the state, including the assets of ships which have not been sold at auction for some time.

Director of State Asset Management and Information Systems of the Ministry of Finance Purnama T. Sianturi said his party would take several options so that this state property could be fully utilized.

"This booty (ship) has been requested for an auction but has not been sold. Usually, re-auctions will be carried out several times with consideration from the Attorney General's Office,” he said in a virtual presentation, Friday, December 10.

According to Purnama, this strategy is the first step that his party can take. If the auction is still unsuccessful, the Ministry of Finance will prepare a grant scheme for the relevant ministries/agencies and local governments (Pemda) to utilize these assets.

"If it doesn't sell, there is also another door, namely that the ship could be given as a grant to the local government in need," he said.

One thing that Purnama notes is that any government agency can apply to use these assets without having to wait for a grant from the central government.

"For example, there is a ministry or an institution that requires it, then he must submit an application to the Attorney General's Office, then the Attorney General's Office will forward his application for approval to the Ministry of Finance. But later, the position will not be a grant, but a Determination of Usage Status (PSP)," explained Purnama.

For information, one of the assets stolen from Jiwasraya's corruption that was successfully confiscated was a ship belonging to the convict Heru Hidayat which was estimated to be worth around Rp. 7.4 billion.

The recreational type ship (cruise) has just gone through an auction process at the Makassar State Property and Auction Service Office (KPKNL). However, the ship was deserted and never received a commensurate offer from the public.

Meanwhile, the value of all state booty that was donated to various institutions in the last three years was Rp132.27 billion.

Meanwhile, state-owned goods distributed through the PSP mechanism amounted to Rp500.91 billion.