Regarding The Board Of Directors Watching Belly Dance At The Meeting, Transjakarta Workers Union Threatens To Report Video Spreaders

JAKARTA - Two PT Transjakarta trade unions will issue a letter of clarification regarding the statement of members of the DKI Jakarta DPRD regarding the video of the Director of Transjakarta that went viral in a cafe in the South Jakarta area.

According to them, the viral video has nothing to do with the recent series of Transjakarta accidents.

"Regarding the viral video circulating regarding the Transjakarta Directors holding a work meeting with operators while watching the Belly Dance (belly dance) in a cafe, we confirm that this has nothing to do with the series of Transjakarta Bus accidents that have recently occurred," said the attorney. FSPMI and PT Transjakarta FSPTI union law, Ade Darajat Martadikusuma, Friday 10 December.

He also regretted that the incident was recorded and published with a narration that did not match the actual situation.

"In our opinion, this is a violation of the law. We don't know who the person (the video spreader) is. We are looking for someone who recorded it, it doesn't mean he is the one who disseminated it," he said.

Ade further stated that his party gave 1x24 hours for the video spreader to apologize. If not, his party will take legal action by reporting it to the Polda Metro Jaya.

"Because this is defamation, and slander. (the viral video) has nothing to do with the accident with the incident at the cafe because the time is very far away," he said.

According to Ade, the video circulating was not a meeting with the operator, but a discussion activity between the Board of Directors and the management of the four Transjakarta Trade Unions that discussed developing problems.

Previously, the news regarding the alleged board of directors of PT Transjakarta meeting with the operator while watching the belly dance was conveyed by a member of the DKI Jakarta DPRD from the Gerindra Party, Ade Kurnia Setiadi at an open meeting with the directors of PT Transjakarta, Monday, December 6.

"The board of directors is complete, you go to a cafe, you watch belly dance striptease, you talk about transportation developments. How is this, sir," he said at a meeting of Commission B of the DKI DPRD, Central Jakarta.