Residents Arrest Two Minors, Police: The Motives Are Fighting, And It's Peaceful

JAKARTA – An underage boy beats a resident in the Kalideres area, West Jakarta. The boy's actions went viral on social media. The perpetrators who were arrested by local residents were finally taken to the Kalideres Police.

Kapolsek Kalideres AKP Hasoloan Situmorang when confirmed confirmed the beatings carried out by minors.

"Yes, that's right, the incident occurred in Tegal Alur, Kalideres, West Jakarta. However, the problem has been resolved by both parties," said Kalideres Police Chief AKP Hasoloan Situmorang when confirmed, Thursday 9 November.

Hasoloan explained that the party received information from the public regarding the arrest of two minors suspected of beating them in the Kalideres area, West Jakarta.

"Based on the report, our members immediately rushed to the location. And it's true that the 2 children who were underage had been secured by residents at the RT post," said Hasoloan.

He further said that this case involved minors and there was an agreement not to proceed with the legal process.

"This problem started from a misunderstanding between the child who was suspected of beating the victim and the victim," he said.

Between the child who was suspected of beating the victim and the victim, there was no problem and agreed not to proceed with the legal process.

"The parties are accompanied by their respective families and the local RT have mediated at the Kalideres Police. And made a family settlement agreement and signed it," he said.