Police Establishes 25 Vaccine Certificate Checkpoints In Puncak Areas

BOGOR - Five police chiefs in the Puncak Raya area, West Java, set 25 checkpoints for checking COVID-19 vaccination certificates during the celebration of Christmas and New Year's 2022.

"The details are 10 points in Bogor Regency, six points in Bogor City, three points in Sukabumi Regency, two points in Sukabumi City, and four points in Cianjur Regency," said Bogor Police Chief Grand Commissioner Adjutant of Police Harun after a coordination meeting quoted by Antara, Thursday, December 9.

The other four police chiefs are from the Bogor Police, the Sukabumi Police, the Sukabumi Police, and the Cianjur Police. The coordination meeting was held specifically to anticipate the density and crowds on the Peak Line during the Christmas and New Year celebrations.

From the meeting, it was agreed that several traffic engineering scenarios, such as the odd-even system, "contraflow" or against the flow, to the opening and closing of the lane.

"The initial odd-even filter is on the toll road. Later we will see if the condition of the road is 'crowded' or what, later we will use direct engineering. It can be diverted, it can also be in accordance with capacity and others. Not closure but flow diversion," said Aaron.

Meanwhile, the Head of Bogor Police, Grand Commissioner Susatyo Purnomo Condro said that apart from anticipating crowds, the Police were also trying to ensure that everyone who traveled was vaccinated against COVID.

"We will ensure that everyone who travels during Nataru (Christmas and New Year) has been vaccinated. Thus, as many as 25 health protocol posts will be built," he said.

According to him, joint officers will check vaccination certificates at 25 agreed points.

"We have also prepared seven teams to unravel or 'crowd free roads' at each Resort Police, if during checkpoints or inspections there are still rat trails or other roads used by visitors to tourist areas," said Susatyo.

He appealed to people who have not been vaccinated to immediately vaccinate, because according to him all tourist attractions will require their visitors to have been vaccinated.

"We urge all people to get vaccinated immediately, before Christmas and New Year because all tourist sites will apply mandatory vaccines in the Puncak Raya area including Bogor City, Bogor Regency, Cianjur, Sukabumi City, and Sukabumi Regency," said Susatyo Purnomo.