Novel Baswedan Etc. Officially Become ASN Police
JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo inaugurated Novel Baswedan and 43 former employees of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). They officially became the Bhayangkara Corps State Civil Apparatus (ASN).
"We will inaugurate according to the NIP on January 1, 2021, our colleagues will officially become Polri PNS," said Sigit at the National Police Headquarters, Thursday, December 9.
With Novel and his friends officially becoming National Police ASN, it is hoped that their presence will strengthen the Bhayangkara Corps. Especially in the sector of preventing corruption.
"Friends, to strengthen the ranks of the Polri organization in order to strengthen commitments related to eradicating corruption, this is in line with the president's directive at the time of the Hakordia inspector this morning," said Sigit.
In addition, the National Police Chief stated that the ability of Novel Baswedan and his friends was unquestionable in eradicating corruption. This is one of the reasons the Police recruited them.
"I have no doubts about the track record, I am sure that our colleagues will strengthen the police organization in order to eradicate corruption, as our country is currently facing a difficult position, so that we can properly control PEN, how do we control it so that the APBN used is right on target and reduces risk of leakage," said Sigit.
The following is a list of 44 former KPK employees who are willing to join the National Police as ASN:
1. M. Praswad Nugraha2. Ronald Paul Signal3. March Falentino4. Yudi Purnomo5. Heryanto Waiter 6. Arfin Puspomelistyo7. Darko8. Wahyu Ahmat Dwi Haryanto9. Andi Abdul Rachman Rachim10. Afief Yulian Miftach11. Ambarita Damanik12. Aulia Postiera 13. Herry Nuryanto14. Chandra Sulistio15. Harun Al Rashid16. Annisa Ramadhani17. Sugeng Basuki18. Nurul Huda Suparman19. Airien Martanni Koesniar20. Qurotul Aini Mahmuda21. Rizka Anungnata 22. Erfina Sari23. Herbert Nababan24. Muammar Chairil Gaddafi25. Iguh26. Novariza27. Farid Andhikas28. Budi Agung Nugroho29. Arba'a Achmadin Yudho Sulistyo30. Samuel Fajar Hotmangara Tua Siahaan31. Panji Prianggoro32. Adi Prasetyo33. Andre Dedy Nainggolan34. Juliandi Tigor Simanjuntak35. Novel Baswedan36. Yulia Anastasia Fu'ada37. Dina Marliana38. Nita Adi Pangestuti39. Marina Febriana40. Waldy Gagantika41. Hotman Tambunan42. Chandra Septina43. Faisal44. Giri Suprapdiono.