Caught Frequently Shopping With Counterfeit Money, Police Arrest IRT In Bekasi, Confiscated 62 Pieces Of Rp50 Thousand Denomination

JAKARTA – PR (41), a housewife in Bekasi is dealing with the police for being involved in the circulation of counterfeit money. Bekasi City Metro Police Chief Kombes Pol Aloysius Supriajdi said PR has made transactions using counterfeit money three times in the Jatibening area, Pondokgede District, Bekasi City.

"The disclosure of this case began with information obtained by members regarding someone who was caught making transactions using counterfeit money," said Kombes Suprijadi to reporters, quoted on Thursday, December 9.

Police officers who received reports from the public immediately launched an investigation.

"Police members of the Pondokgede Sector then developed the existing information and arrested PR, a woman using counterfeit money to transfer money at a money transfer service," he continued.

Based on the examination, the suspect admitted that his actions had been carried out since November 2021. In addition to arresting PR, the police also secured evidence in the form of counterfeit money as many as 62 pieces of Rp. 50,000 denominations.

"From the hands of the suspect, who is also a housewife, he confiscated 62 pieces of fake 50 thousand notes," he said.

Suprijadi explained that PR got the counterfeit money by buying it online. From his confession, PR bought for Rp. 2 million to get fake money of Rp. 6 million.

"Fake money was obtained by the perpetrator by buying it online, he bought Rp. 2 million with real money and then got a counterfeit of 6 million," he said.

PR was charged with Article 244 and the Criminal Code (KUHP) and/or 245 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) to 1 of the Criminal Code (for foreign currency), with a penalty of 15 years in prison.