Ahead Of Christmas And New Year, Officers Raid Nightclubs In Bogor, 6 People Positive For Drugs

JAKARTA - Bogor Police and TNI held a raid on nightclubs in Bogor. As a result, a number of visitors tested positive for drugs. This was known after the officers conducted a urine test on the visitors. They were immediately taken to the police station for further investigation.

The raid was held since Wednesday, December 8 at 23.00 western Indonesia time. East Bogor District became the main goal of officers in raiding night entertainment venues.

At one entertainment venue, the officer immediately asked the operator to turn off the music. Then one by one the officers checked the visitors. Urine tests are carried out for visitors who look suspicious. One of them was a scantily clad woman.

And it was true, after a urine test, the results were positive. They were immediately herded into a car to be taken to the Bogor Police Headquarters.

Furthermore, the Head of Drugs at the Bogor Police, Commissioner of Police Agus Susanto, said that the raid on nightclubs in Bogor was held to prevent drug trafficking ahead of Christmas and New Year's Eve. The target of this raid is a nightclub.

"We are working together with the TNI ranks from Denpom, we are carrying out raids in anticipation of the illicit trafficking of narcotics ahead of Christmas and New Year so that in Bogor are narcotics free. Tonight we are holding various places, one of which is here at Club Zentrum," said Agus.

At nightclubs in the East Bogor area, as many as 37 visitors were tested for urine. Of these, there were 6 visitors consisting of 3 women and 3 men indicated for narcotics abuse because based on the results of a positive urine test.

"There are 6 people that we have detained who are suspected of having been identified as narcotics abuse, but we will conduct a second test later at the examination office, the results will be known tomorrow whether it is true or just a technical error in the equipment," he said.

If later the second urine test returns positive results, his party will cooperate with the National Narkota Agency (BNN) or the assessment team for rehabilitation.

Officers will continue to raid nightclubs in Bogor to prevent narcotics trafficking.