Ministry Of Transportation Reminds Extreme Weather In Aviation Sector

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) reminds aviation stakeholders to anticipate extreme weather, including global climate change which has an impact on the emergence of weather anomaly phenomena and La Nina.

"As we all know, the world of air transportation is currently facing various disruptions, including global climate change which has an impact on the emergence of weather anomaly phenomena," said Director of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations at the Ministry of Transportation Dadun Kohar in a written statement quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 8.

This was conveyed in a webinar themed "Situational Awareness: Expect the Unexpected" organized by the Directorate of Airworthiness and Aircraft Operations (DKPPU) of the Ministry of Transportation.

In managing the momentum of the 2021 Christmas and New Year's holidays in 2022, it must go well and not damage the current condition, which has improved enough to require recovery efforts and global civil aviation resilience.

In addition, reflecting on the disaster of the eruption of Mount Semeru, proper anticipation needs to be carried out considering that it will have a direct or indirect impact on flight operations in Indonesia.

"I hope there will be a joint commitment between regulators and stakeholders in the air transportation sector to grow and even increase awareness, readiness, and preparedness in facing the challenges of the impact of global climate change, especially for aviation safety and the sustainability of flight operations," said Dadun.

Meanwhile, Acting Head of Aircraft Operations Certification of DKPPU Capt Rizal Bayu Azi explained that this webinar activity aims to provide the latest information regarding extreme weather and build communication with aviation stakeholders to anticipate and mitigate.

The Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) informed that the peak of the La Nina phenomenon will occur in January-February 2022.

"We hope that in the future there will be integration and synergy between the Directorate General of Civil Aviation and BMKG, especially in sharing information on updating weather conditions such as predictions, early warnings, recommendations for accurate and real-time weather anomaly conditions through digital connectivity," he said.

Rizal also added that a number of strategic steps for the use of integrated digital connectivity were then integrated into the operational system (OCC) of stakeholders in the air transportation sector throughout Indonesia while still taking into account the diversity and operational characteristics.