Get To Know More About The Nan Baanjuang Traditional House Museum In Bukitinggi, West Sumatra, Has 600 Collections

BUKITTINGGI - The Nan Baanjuang Traditional House Museum, which is located at the Kinantan Bukittinggi Wildlife Park (TMSBK), Bukittinggi City, West Sumatra, has 600 kinds of historical collection objects consisting of ancient objects and local historical cultural relics.

"The 600 ancient objects are divided into eight collections that are collected in the Rumah Gadang, which was formerly the Bundo Kanduang Museum," said cultural expert and speaker in a series of socialization activities for the use of historical museums, Silvia Devi at Bung Hatta Palace, Bukittinggi, Antara, Wednesday, 8 December.

"The collection is divided into miniatures of traditional architecture, traditional clothing, traditional house equipment, livelihood equipment, arts, martial arts, history and preserved animals," said Silvia.

He said the traditional house, which is one of the best museums in the city of Bukittinggi and West Sumatra, was first built by a Dutchman in 1953.

"Built by Modelar Countrolleur, a Dutch national, according to the Bukittinggi City Regulation Number 5 of 2005, the building area was changed to 2,798 square meters in the form of the Bagonjong Gajah Maharam Gadang House with nine rooms," he said.

He said that the building has platforms on the left and right in the form of rangkiang with the typical use of wood and fibers. "In 1956 it was equipped with a statue of Kabau Pedati which was then managed and owned by the Education and Culture Office of the City of Bukittinggi."

He said some of the current problems in introducing history through the use of museums and the interest of visitors to learn about culture must be solved jointly between the relevant agencies and cultural observers to attract citizens' interest.

"It must also be optimized for information on historical objects, such as, none of which contains information on collections (origin, use, value, meaning and function), for example, it is only limited to the name of the collection, as well as for securing collections such as barriers between visitors and museum collections," he said. .

He hopes that there will be a solution by increasing the number of competent personnel as needed (conservators, registrars, exhibition organizers) Conducting technical training for guides on the bridge and mapping positions according to the appropriate educational background and competencies.

"Meanwhile, in terms of other resources, an inventory and registration of collections can be carried out, namely making a good collection information system, using facilities and infrastructure that are in accordance with the function and have aesthetic value," he explained.

The Socialization of the History Museum in Bukittinggi City was carried out by the Education and Culture Office of Bukittinggi City, which was attended by dozens of residents who were expected to be able to attract interest and develop historical education.