Police Headquarters DVI Team Successfully Identify Seven Bodies Of Victims Of The Semeru Eruption

LUMAJANG - A total of seven bodies of victims of the Mount Semeru disaster in Dr. Haryoto General Hospital Lumajang, East Java, has been identified. The National Police's Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) team said the seven bodies consisted of three female bodies and four male bodies.

"Overall, as of today, 17 of the 34 bodies have been identified. The details are 33 bodies and one body part", said the Head of the Public Information Section at the National Police Headquarters, Kombes Ahmad Ramadhan, in Lumajang, Wednesday, December 8.

Ramadhan said that the DVI Team had received three bodies and one body part today. According to Ramadhan, the body that was identified was helped by the family who submitted data or characteristics of the missing family.

"So, the family helps the DVI Team by showing the characteristics of the victim. Such as moles, tattoos, or special characteristics of the body parts that have been submitted to the team", he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the Health Department of the East Java Police, Kombes Erwin Zainul Hakim, has again announced the data on the bodies that have been identified, including:

1. Mani, 60 years old, female, address in the village of Curah Kobokan.

2. Zakira Talita Salsabila, age 4 years, female gender, address is the village of Curah Kobokan.

3. Ani Tri Hartini, 23 years old, female, address Curah Kobokan.

4. Dwi Santoso, age 35, male, address Sumberejo.

5. Mustofa, 37 years old, male, address Kebonagung, Sumberwuluh, Candipuro.

6. Budi Cahyono, age 40, male, address Wono Cepoko Ayu.

7. Didik Aprianto, age 30, male, address Sriti Pronojiwo.