West Sumatra Dharmasraya Police Investigate Finding Unidentified Human Skeleton

DHARMASRAYA - The Dharmasraya Police Criminal Investigation Unit, West Sumatra, investigated the findings of an unidentified human skeleton in Jorong Padang Bintungan III Nagari (Indigenous Village) Sialang Gaung.

The skeleton was found in an oil palm plantation owned by a local resident on Wednesday. The skeleton was first discovered by Wakimin Dogol (40) while clearing his garden.

"It's true, officers are currently in the field," said Head of Criminal Investigation at the Dharmasraya Police, Iptu Dwi Angga on Punjung Island, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, December 8.

Based on temporary investigations, the human skeleton is female if it is seen from the clothes used.

"From the clothes used, it is female, but our concrete data is still waiting for further investigation," he said.

Iptu Dwi Angga explained that the human skeleton has now been taken to the Koto Baru Health Center to be further linked to the incident of the disappearance of residents of Koto Salak District some time ago.

"We have also asked the family to come to the Puskesmas to match the clothes found at the crime scene, whether these are true members of the family or not, we will see the results first," he said.

Meanwhile, Wali Nagari Sialang Gaung, Koto Baru District, Syahrial said the village government first received information regarding the incident from the head of Jorong Padang Bintungan III.

He explained that the human skeleton was first discovered by Wakimin Dogol (40), a resident of Jorong Padang Bintungan III at around 11.00 WIB.

"So our residents were cleaning their gardens, suddenly saw this human skeleton, after that they immediately reported the incident to the jorong device," he said.

The local nagari government said in recent months no local residents had been reported missing, he said.

"After we asked the residents and the jorong apparatus, no one has been missing for how many months," he said.

According to information, local residents have not smelled the smell of carrion in the past month.